Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Air pollution has become a major public health issues and it harms both human health and the environmental, over time in Europe air pollution have decrease greatly (EEA 2013), and this air pollutants include carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and also lead (pb) (WHO 2011), particulate matter and Ozone are now been identify as the two main pollutant that have most major effect on human health, long or short exposure to this pollutant can have both mild and severe impact on health such as impaired respiratory system, cardiovascular diseases or even death (EEA 2013), also exposure to particulate matter decreases life expectancy by an average of one year, indoor pollution as a result of the biological agents in the indoor air which is due to damp and mould also increase the risk of developing respiratory disease in children, there are two man type of pollutant which are the primary pollutant (WHO fact sheet 2011). Pollu tant can be classified into two namely primary pollutant and secondary pollutant; primary pollutants are the pollutants release directly into the atmosphere from the source while secondary pollutants are those type of pollutant forms when primary pollutants react with other chemical in the atmosphere, also type of pollutant and concentration can be indoor or outdoor pollutant, indoor pollutant include carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, volatile organic compounds and smoke, while outdoor pollutant are ozone, sulphur dioxide and particle. (COMEAP 2013) WHO define health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO 1948) Environment generally affects human health directly or indirectly... ...ssion standards of generator plants, industries emission and car emissions. - Deforestation bush burning and also incinerator burning should be barn all around the country in other to improve the air quality. - Laws should be put in place to barn public smoking as its been done in United Kingdom. - Long chimneys should be compulsory for all industries making use of fossil fuels and also emitting smoke into the atmosphere to avoid pollutants and acid rain which also affect the health of the populace. CONCLUSION Good air quality is vital for human health, Air pollution expose human to ill-health and by reducing the level of pollutant emission in the atmosphere general risk of disease can be reduce worldwide; considerable reduction in the exposure to air pollution can be achieved through the decrease in the concentration of the pollutants in the atmosphere.

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