Thursday, January 9, 2020

Counseling, Prevention, Child Welfare, And Juvenile Justice

Research After researching the best practices for services delivery to the at-risk youth in Chicago, I discovered multiple resources. There were so many centers that provided information to the youth to help better them. However, only one of those resource centers was known for their best practices. That center is the Youth Outreach Services (YOS). This center offers the best practices in counseling, prevention, child welfare, and juvenile justice. The mission of YOS is that they believe every individual has the potential to find a positive way through life and have positivity in adulthood. YOS works in partnerships with their clients in order to develop the skills they will use for a lifetime. Their primary goal is to make sure local teenagers have the resources they need to deal with the current issues in Chicago, as well as, preventing them. YOS always provide positivity to the youth and wants to make sure they are proactive. They promote social engagement, help build self-confidence and h elp individuals manage their negative behaviors. Proposal and Gaps If we look at Chicago itself, there are tons of gaps within the city and its communities. That is where we have to start. We have to address the problem, which is gang violence and crime. Our youth are at risk because of gang recruiting and so many have been recruited because they do not think life have anything else better to offer them. Some think that the streets love them and give them more attention than theirShow MoreRelatedEssay on Juvenile Justice1506 Words   |  7 PagesPortfolio on Juvenile Status Offenders A juvenile status offender is a youth charged with an offense that is not consider a crime if committed by an adult; this would include but not limited to running away from home, curfew violations, underage drinking, skipping school, or beyond a parents control. Status offenders are usually not incarcerated on their first offense, but violating a court order can find them as delinquent who can result in being place in a correction or detention facility. Read MoreThe And Prevention Of Juvenile Delinquency970 Words   |  4 PagesJuveniles in the justice system is an issue relevant not only to people in the criminal justice system but to society in general. There have been a number of studies done that link serious behavior problems in children to adult criminal conduct. In more recent years, there has been more research done regarding the causes and prevention of juvenile delinquency. The Department of Juvenile Justice lists 3 broad categories with many subcategories to help us under stand what contributes to juvenile delinquencyRead MoreThe High Incarceration Rate Of Juveniles1748 Words   |  7 PagesThe high incarceration rate of juveniles is a significant social problem that affects society as a whole as well as the youth’s individual welfare and developmental trajectory. Adolescents who are incarcerated in the juvenile justice system face a multitude of negative lifelong implications. The history of incarcerating youth in residential facilities such as juvenile halls, camps, ranches or group homes as a consequence for committing crimes has a deep-rooted history in the United States. â€Å"For moreRead MoreGender Differences Within Juvenile Status Offenses1650 Words   |  7 Pages Gender Differences Within Juvenile Status Offenses University of Utah Rachel Brough Juvenile status offenses are minor offenses that only apply to those under the age of 18 such as skipping school or running away from home. Other examples include curfew violations, possession and consumption of alcohol, and possession and use of tobacco. Theories such as the labeling theory and Robert Agnew’s General Strain Theory attempt to explain why females commit juvenile status offenses. 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This paper will not only address why this piece of legislation is important it will discuss the effects this act has had on the communities as well as the youths themselves. This paper, will also address the potential for change about the public attitudes towards the juvenile justice system and the socialRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency Is A Great Issue Essay1462 Words   |  6 PagesJuvenile delinquency has become a great issue in this country. The reasons for delinquency are many, yet the fixes to the delinquency problem are few. Not enough is being done for the youth of this country to rehabilitate, deter, or change the way the youth acts. There isn’t enough communicati on or interaction between the key stakeholders that can help prevent juvenile delinquency. For the longest time juvenile delinquency has been increasing despite any efforts put forth by lawmakers to deter thisRead MoreThe Effects Of Delinquency On Children s Life1657 Words   |  7 Pagesnumber of factors involving the child s family, socialization, economic background and drug use. Of course, the earliest contributor to delinquency in a child s life is the family. (1) Early family dysfunction can lead to emotional deficits that can eventually become long-term social problems. Family dysfunction can come in the form of family breakup, family conflict, family effectiveness, and family deviance. If a child s parents are divorced then that child is more likely to engage in antisocialRead MoreRole of Government in Social Welfare1477 Words   |  6 PagesROLE OF GOVERNMENT IN SOCIAL WELFARE A Government consists of group of people who govern a state. The proper governing of state plays a very important role in the development of a country. The government should take all necessary steps for the betterment of the country and its people. A democratic country is for the people, by the people and to the people. Therefore government of any country should act wisely for the development of the community. Social welfare is a policy in which the well beingRead MoreJuvenile Justice System in Nepal3378 Words   |  14 Pagesterm paper on juvenile justice system in nepal Juvenile Justice System 1. Introduction: Juvenile are the children below the age of 18 years. Nepalese legal system considers a child as juvenile if he is below the age of 16. Those juvenile consider children are not matured mentally and emotionally so the justice system for juvenile and adults are different. The term juvenile justice refers to the legislation norms and standards procedures mechanism and provisions

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